
Showing posts from July, 2024

Baptism with the Holy Spirit and Prophecies in the Last Days

  The same questions are often asked about prophecies in the last days, especially whether President Donald Trump was going to be re-elected as the President of America. Many  false prophets  have rode on the popularithy of the American presidential race to build a name for themselves.          The questions about Joel's prophecies that in the last days, our sons and daughters  will prophesy, old men will dream dreams, young men will see visions  (Joel 2:28) and of course, the evergreen question of baptism of the Holy Spirit will always resurface whenever the story of Pentecost is recounted.          Having studied this subject and being an inter-denominational person for over 40 years, allow me to elaborate:  1. In the last day, God reveals Himself through the Son, no longer through the prophets or any angels. (Heb 1:1-3).  2. The Holy Spirit through the Written Word of God points us to the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Himself.          There is no more guessing game as in a 'm

Be warned against the Cult of Individuality
