These days with Zoom, we can attend all sorts of classes taught by good Bible teachers from across the world.
With the recent Trump vs Biden presidential election, there also many false prophets and false teachers! It takes just some discretion to find out who they are. Most of them love to quote, "God spoke to me" or "Jesus appeared to me in a vision to tell me what is going to happen." You will hear this time and again in a number of videos.
WARNING!Matt. 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."
It is time for us to read our Bible -- the Word of God -- instead of going after these false prophets!
Let us begin with the presidential election.
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Election
In the Old Testament, we are told that the punishment of false prophets is stoning to death. This shows how serious God is with those who profess to speak His Word but are found to be false.
I cite two examples here, since this is the aftermath of the presidential election where Joe Biden beat Donald Trump but there are, in fact, more than the two such jerks around that I have been alerted.
According to this video, a friend wrote that this fake prophet, Sadhu Sundar Singh "actually declared that it is the will of heaven for Trump to win since he (proven false prophet) personally heard it directly from God..."
My friend added this comment: "What a presumptuous and preposterous claim that God is always revealing his heavenly will to this false prophet!"
Listen to what he said in the first 2-3 min,
"Between Nov 3 and Jan 20, anything can happen to overturn, right? So, you want to don't stop praying till Nov 3, you want to continue till Mr Trump is safely installed (inaugurated) on Jan 20."
A friend and a senior theologian wrote this:
"At 2.17 minutes onwards, this fake prophet stated that it is written in the scroll of heaven that Trump will serve another term as President. So this Sadhu is invoking God's will in heaven for Trump to win again since he claimed this to be God's personal revelation to him."
Now that Trump has lost according to the latest poll results, doesn't this clearly show that he is a false and lying prophet?
The 6 million Dollar question is, "Which decision to overturn?"
Without a doubt, this false prophet was obviously expecting Trump to win the presidential election; which is why he urged the believers to continue to pray that the decision would not be overturned until Trump is safely inaugurated as president of the United States.
Before this false prophet claims that he did not mean Trump would win the presidential election on Nov 3 (now that, in reality, Trump has lost to Biden in the election), he would have said that the people can and should pray that the decision be overturned, and not vice versa!
Uploaded on Nov 3, 2020 on his own channel
In fact, the senior theologian pointed out another video where "this fake prophet claimed to be taken up to heaven by an angel.... And that of all people in heaven, Jesus singled him out to pass him a special message to America. Don't you see a lot of red flags here?"
I have no problem with who becomes the president of the United States, and personally, I also prefer the ruffian to be the president as he corrected a number of wrongs in the past; however, Trump's loss is also a way to expose false prophets to wake up American Christians.
This other jerk, Steve Cociolanti from Melbourne claims that 17 is the number of victory. Since when? His Divine Code is proven a fallacy. Trump has lost the presidential election. Hmmm.... perhaps, when the election decision is overturned, he would have said, "See, I told you that Trump will serve for another term."
I think the Lord is only exposing these false prophets so that His people would turn to Him, and no longer listen to these false prophets. They are using the Lord's Name in their own personal and even political agenda.
Obviously, nonsense!
A sister shared with me a Zoom session that she had attended on the end times. One pastor, Chee Kang Seng of Tabernacle of David Singapore claimed that he knows when the rapture will happen. He attached some possible dates and years to the earliest time for rapture.
Mark 13:32 Περὶ δὲ τῆς ἡμέρας ἐκείνης ἢ τῆς ὥρας οὐδεὶς οἶδεν, οὐδὲ οἱ ἄγγελοι ἐν οὐρανῷ οὐδὲ ὁ υἱός, εἰ μὴ ὁ πατήρ.This brings to mind the story of Jim Jones and the massive suicide in a farm land on the day when they were expecting the Lord Jesus to return. I wrote this in an earlier blog about Jim Jones. We never seem to learn!
Mark 13:32 “But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
Sometimes, these words supersede the authority of the Scriptures. Whereas Christ told the disciples that no one knows the time when He would return, these people claim to see visions that tell them that Christ's return is on a fixed day and time. Hence, we had the mass suicide in Guyana, South America of hundred of members of the Peoples Temple led by its founder, Jim Jones on November 18, 1978.
In fact, it's not only Chee, but a number of false prophets and teachers have been leveraging on the Internet to make their own proclamations.
The Bottomline
As someone pointed out, "Be careful of these false prophets. In this video he (Peter Justins) focuses on their false prophecies for 2020, and (later in the video) their false predictions about the corona virus going away. The video is 7 months old, but still worth watching."
I hope Peters will do another video to expose more of these false prophets who claimed that Trump would win the election. Keep a look for it on his channel and help to forward to my believers.
Thank you for exposing these false teachers. I have posted your site on my facebook